Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Why I blog

I have started and abandoned several blogs over the course of the past several years. I've never had the wherewithal to stick with it, just like I never could keep a journal, but I'm giving it another go. I've always wanted a proper book blog.

Why? Well, I don't know if you know this, but I read quite a few book blogs and the writers of the really popular ones? Get free books. Yes, they have books sent in by publishers, just like real reviewers. FREE BOOKS. I'm nothing if not avaricious, and I live for free books, so obviously, my goal is to built this puny little blog to superstar status. I didn't come here to make friends.

More importantly (maybe), though, I've always to write a book blog because it's important to talk about books. Literature is not doing well. Reading for pleasure is about as common among people my age (I'm a freshman in college) as the Charleston, and God only knows what today's teenagers are doing. I'm sure the closest thing to a novel many of them know is a text message with punctuation in it. It's sad and a little scary. We are so much poorer without books, without great stories to get lost in and beautiful language to admire. I don't want my generation to lose that, but I'm afraid the process is already on its way.

So I think of this blog as a small candle thrust out into the darkness of an age where books are fading away; and also as a ploy to get free books. Mostly as a ploy to get free books, to be honest.

A quick note on what I'll be writing about: I read all sorts of things. I'd like to write about a good mix of contemporary and classic, literary and popular, and famous and little-known fiction. I tend to read more women writers, and largely European writers - I'm particularly something of an Anglophile. I don't read a great deal of current bestsellers, and while I love gratuitous sex and foul language, I'm squeamish about graphic violence, so probably not many action-packed thrillers or bleak dystopian fiction, either. Everything else is fair game.

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